Steve Di Pietro moved from the advertising agency business to the digital side of things in 1998.
He is truly fluent in both holistic online and offline marketing and advertising.
Steve Di Pietro coined the now ubiquitous phrase Bounce Rate, as well as The Pin Ball Affect.
Fred DuBois
President, Digital Day, Inc.
Carin Keane
Partner, Trés Chic Boutique LLC
/ Recognized the importance of, and coined the term Bounce Rate in 1998, now an important ecommerce metric used by all e-marketers.
/ Has been trusted to help build brands and business such as DuPont, Independence Blue Cross, Arm & Hammer, Bienfang, X-Acto,,, and many many more.
/ Helped build from 5th to 2nd largest in the category in 1-year’s time.
/ Successfully launched 3 ecommerce businesses for The Eastwood Company, and built into profitable contributors to the corporate bottom line.
/ Founded DiPietro Marketing Group LLC, Marlton NJ in 2003, helping clients throughout the US & Europe build business online.
/ University guest lecturer on e-marketing.
/ An and contributing writer.